
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Still with measurement....

Weekends just aren't long enough to get everything done!  Sorry that I am once again late writing a new post.

This week we will wrap up our work on perimeter.  Today we talked about mass and two units of measure associated with it: grams (g) and kilograms (kg).  I showed the class some food packages and even a glue stick that all had a mass recorded in grams or kilograms.  Around the house, have your child look for things that are measured in grams or kilograms and have them compare those masses to everyday objects, such as a pencil, a cup, an apple.  With practice, students should be able to provide an estimate of the mass of an object.  An important first step is to at least be able to say whether an object has a greater or lesser mass than another object or package of food that has a known mass.

We will spend some time later this week looking at a calendar and using it to answer given questions.  Students need to be able to use the information on a calendar to solve various problems.  For example, your child should be able to look at a calendar page and determine what the date will be in five days' time.  Or, if soccer camp begins on May 18th, but registration happens three days before that, on what date will registration take place?

One of the questions on the homework page that was sent home yesterday involved a visual pattern.  I copied it from a practice test provided by the Province but I didn't notice that the instructions were incorrect.  Students could still give the next two terms in the pattern however and that would be fine. 

Next week we will review fractions which we spent some time on in the fall and then we will move on to looking at 2-D and 3-D shapes.

Please keep practicing addition and subtraction facts to 18 (or 20) and it would be great if you could practice multiplication and division facts to 36, just for fun.

Have a great week!

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