
Sunday, April 28, 2019


We will continue with measurement this week and finally introduce the metre.  Students will relate centimetres to metres, measure using metres, and find referents for metres (everyday things that are about a metre in length) to help them with estimating lengths, widths, and heights of objects or places.

It will unfortunately be a short week, so we will make the most of our time together and explore and investigate as much as we can.

Last week I gave the students Quiz #2 of the practice quizzes for the Provincial Assessment.  One red flag from the quiz was the following multiplication question:

Yogurt is sold in packages of 6.  Abby's mom bought 3 packages.

How many yogurts did she buy in total?

A.  18 yogurts
B.  15 yogurts
C.  9 yogurts
D.  3 yogurts

A number of students chose C.) 9 yogurts for their answer.  They simply saw the numbers in the problem, added them together to get a total and they saw the answer as one of the options so they chose it rather than really reading and thinking about the problem.  When we went over the problem in class the next day and I read the problem aloud, most students called out "18 yogurts" for the answer.  They seemed to recognize that this was a multiplication problem.  It probably helped that I sketched out 3 packages of 6 yogurts.  I encouraged them to do the same for any problem like this.

At home, if you see any opportunity to have your child use multiplication or division to solve everyday problems like the one above, please do so.

Another skill the kids need to keep up with is subtraction with regrouping which has been a challenge for some.

I have decided that we better return to weekly homework practice, at least for the next month, to revisit some of the skills and concepts that we covered earlier in the year and to reinforce ones that we've worked on more recently.  We'll still try to do some work with centers at school, but some extra practice at home will be helpful too.

This time around, students will receive their homework assignment on Monday and it will be due in class on Wednesday.  That will give me time to correct it and to be prepared on Thursday to go over any problems that students have trouble with.

Have a great week!

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