
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Return to Math Workstations

In previous years I have used Math Workstations and Guided Math in my math classes.  This was with Grades 4 and 5.  My students and I found it to be quite successful and fun, though I have to admit, it was a TON of work for me to get the stations ready.  Regardless, it was probably the best experience I've had teaching math being able to give extra help to those who needed it, build the confidence of those who felt they hated math or just weren't good at it, and to provide a little extra challenge to strong math students.

We tried this approach in 3A in the fall and will return to it now.  I've seen a lot of growth and maturity within the class and am hopeful that this round of workstations will be more successful than the last and that students will find that they are learning, but having fun at the same time.

Because creating the math workstations takes so much time, I will not be creating and sending home a weekly homework sheet, at least for now.  Please continue practicing math facts...addition and subtraction to 20 and multiplication to 6 x 6 and related division facts.

I added a new multiplication game in the websites list:  Space Race Multiplication

Please check with your child to find out what they practiced at workstations each day.  As well, if you could encourage your child to remember to respect themselves and their classmates by following class expectations at workstations, that would be very much appreciated.  Here are my expectations:

Read instructions carefully (I'll make sure that those who need help reading and understanding will know what to do)

Work quietly  (do the assigned work and be respectful of yourself and others so everyone can complete their tasks)

Stay at your station  (until the timer goes and it's time to move)

Be polite and kind (this is an opportunity for students to practice positive interpersonal skills; to compromise; to share; sometimes to work together to complete a task; to work with others who may not be your friends; to be tolerant of others' differences)

Clean up before leaving  (all students in a group are expected to help tidy the station where they are working and to leave it ready for the next group. Everyone stays until everything has been tidied up)

I am hoping for a rewarding week for everyone!

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