
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Introduction to Division

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the final third of the school year, at least that's how I see it.  The push will be on to cover the last of the outcomes that we will need to for Grade 3 and review those that we've already covered.

Division will be our next big topic.  I will be linking it to multiplication since those two operations are related.  Students will be encouraged to "think multiplication" to solve division problems and recall division facts.

I will also be working with the class to do some mental math on paper.  For some of us, it is hard to hold numbers in our heads, so getting practice on paper can help.  To begin with, I will have the class look at numbers to see how they can be broken down into numbers that are easier to deal with. For example: 16 can be thought of as 10 + 6 or 15 + 1 or 10 + 5 +1.  Eventually, the way they break it up will depend on what number they are adding it to or subtracting it from, for example, but for now the goal is to have the kids be more comfortable breaking down numbers. 

There will be no homework review sheet this week.  Please continue reviewing addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.

I hope everyone enjoyed March Break!

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