
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Place Value continued....

We will have another short week this week.

We will continue our work on place value, reviewing the names of the places, and look at the actual value of digits in numbers. 

At home this week you could try asking your child about the different values of the digit 2 in a number such as 222. Can your child tell you how each digit is different (has a different value)? Can your child illustrate how to make this number? Your child might draw Base Ten blocks or what we practiced last week was making a number by drawing a bag of buttons, for example, that holds 100 buttons, and then smaller bags that hold 10 buttons, and individual buttons for ones.

One thing to remember is that in answer to the question above, your child could draw 22 bags of 10 buttons along with 2 individual buttons and that would be an acceptable answer. It is important to understand that a number can be made in different ways. In fact, understanding that helps a lot when it comes to adding and subtracting with regrouping, which we will be focusing on soon.

Check out the Websites tab above for a link to the game "Pop Penguin and the Place Value Race." There are different levels to this game which provides practice with various place value concepts. Your child can choose whatever s/he is comfortable with. It's never a bad thing though to try out the next level up, especially if a lower level is easy.

Have a great week!

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