
Monday, November 12, 2018

Place Value and Number Sense Basics

We began talking about place value with 3-digit numbers last week. This week we will look at 4-digit numbers. In other words, place value to the thousands place.

At home, practicing making numbers using playing cards or rolling dice would be helpful. Have your child read the numbers that are created. REMEMBER NOT TO SAY "AND"!

Create numbers with your child that s/he is comfortable saying. If 2-digit numbers are what s/he is comfortable with right now, go with that, then begin to introduce 3-digit numbers. Likewise, if your child is already comfortable with 3- and 4-digit numbers, move on to 5- and 6-digit numbers.

Another outcome that children in Grade 3 are expected to meet is to be able to correctly write in number form a number that is read-aloud to them. For example, if you say "three hundred fourteen" your child needs to be able to write the number "314". If you try this, be sure to include numbers with "internal" zeros, such as 204 (say "two hundred four") or 5078 (five thousand seventy-eight) or  1605  (one thousand six hundred five). These ones tend to be tricky for children.

As well as saying and writing numbers, we will continue our work naming the place value names of various digits in a number. For example, the place value of the one in  2139 is the "hundreds" place. More practice with this at home would be helpful.

For basic number sense review, please ask your child to tell you the number that is:

  • one less than or one more than a given number
  • two less than or two more than a given number
Using the numbers from 1 - 100 are fine to use for this, but you can go higher if your child is comfortable with that.

Practicing doubles would be great too! Stick with smaller numbers (1 - 9) and 10s (from 10 - 50).

If your child would benefit from using a hundreds chart to help with some of this number sense review, there are lots of hundreds charts available online. Here is a link to some: Online hundreds charts

While you're at it, never miss an opportunity to have your child do some skip counting!! Whatever you need counted, have your child count in groups of 2, 5, or 10.

Have a great week!

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