
Monday, February 25, 2019

More Multiplication

I didn't end up adding a new times table to learn last week except for the 5x, which students were introduced to at the end of the previous week. 

This week we will continue with 0, 1, 2, 10, 5 and add at least the 11 times.

Please keep practicing facts at home and looking for examples of arrays and groups of things (packages of juice or pop, ice cube trays, the arrangement of gum in a package, etc.).  Even though there is NOT an expectation that students have the facts memorized by the end of Grade 3, it is expected that they understand strategies to help them figure out products.  Practice at home with arrays and making groups of things will help with this.

I will send home more problems for homework this week even though the return rate on last week's work was disappointingly low.  Students will not be asked to complete much work, but it will all be good review for them.  If you could ask to see it and encourage them to complete it, I would appreciate it.

Have a great week!

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