
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Introduction to Measuring with Centimetres

On Friday, we took a look at rulers and looked for things in the classroom that are about one centimetre (cm) long, wide or high.  Some students noticed that their little pencil sharpeners are about 1 cm high; their pinky fingers are about 1cm wide; some of their reading books are about 1cm thick; and their white eraser is about 1cm thick.  These are important observations as students are expected to be able to select and identify object that measure about 1cm. They will be expected to do the same for metres. All of this will help develop their measurement estimation skills.

For now we will focus on measuring to the nearest centimetre. Here are links to some online activities that will give some practice, but real practice at home would be even better :-)

Topmarks Measuring in Centimetres

Measure It!

Please continue practicing basic facts.

As well, keep up addition skills with 2- and 3-digit numbers, especially those problems requiring regrouping.

Once we get some practice in with measuring we will move onto perimeter where we will continue with addition.

Subtraction will follow and then, what everyone has been waiting for: multiplication!

Have a great week!

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